One of the reasons I launched this blog was to create a site that not only reported Fortean events, but investigated them as well. I’ve always been frustrated by news sites that simply listed cases without any attempt to get to the truth of the matter.
Case in point – the El Paraiso rain of fish. In my earlier post I stated that the press reports had been rather vague and that I felt there was little evidence that that fish had actually fallen with the rain. Now, I’m fairly certain they did, largely due to the wonderful Cintia Mondragón of the the Centre of Basic Education Francisco Morazán.
I made contact with Cintia around a week ago and she has been incredibly helpful in investigating the case. Firstly, she sent me a video showing the area where the fish fell.
Cintia then organised a video call with some of the children at the school who had witnessed the fall and assisted with the translating. She was lovely and the children were enthusiastic and helpful.
Most importantly, one young witness confirmed a fish had fallen on her skirt while she sat on a swing in the yard and five girls present on the call claimed they had actually seen the fish fall in the rain.
I would note in the short audio below the girls state that seven children witnessed the fish falling while at another point Cintia only counts five. I suspect that two of the children were not present in the room where Cintia had arranged the video call.
I’m now convinced that in that El Paraiso schoolyard, fish did actually fall with the rain.